Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Fall!

What a great four days off! With the weather being BEAUTIFUL this weekend, I finally feel like Fall is here! Please keep your eyes open for the Harvest Celebration letter coming home soon!

I want to thank Mrs. Smalley for volunteering in our classroom! She comes in every Wednesday and helps make classroom materials and copies and also works with kids during her time in the room. Mrs. Loncao has also completed the district volunteer program and will be joining our room soon!

This week is a short week, so students will not be reading a weekly story. Instead, we will be reading a Stellaluna Reader's Theater and reading in front of the other 2nd grade classrooms on Friday. We will also be working on the entire writing process during Writer's Workshop this week. Spelling words will be review words from previous weeks. Please check back Monday evening for the week's spelling words!

In Math this week, students will continue to work with adding and subtracting numbers. I would like them to be strong in their number sense before we head into other areas! Ask your child about Pocket Day....we'll be having another one soon!

The week of Oct.2oth will be student - led conferences. Please bring your child at your scheduled time. They will be walking you through their learning to this point in the year. We will not be sitting down one on one to disuss your child. If there is a need for an individual conference on my end, I will contact you!

Happy short week!

Mrs. LaDue :)

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